Wednesday, April 23, 2014

P Day on Wednesday

Well I guess you probably already realized that I didn't have Preparation Day on Monday... We went to the temple today, so our P Day was changed to Wednesday for this week. We have the chance to go to the temple once every year, and again the week before going home.... which is right around the corner.

Today as I sat in the temple and was pondering a couple of things, a verse of scripture popped into my head. I hadn't read that chapter of the Old Testament in a long time, and I realized that there just happened to be a Bible on the table next to me.  So I picked it up and started looking for that scripture. I found it, and started reading the whole chapter. To my amazement, the chapter was just what I needed in that moment. It was like God had inspired that chapter for me and for that moment and for those very circumstances.  God truly works in mysterious ways to answer our prayers. He inspired me to look up that verse, and as I read that chapter, I found the response to my prayers. 

We are teaching a younger married couple that we found about 3 or 4 weeks ago. We lost contact with them for a week, and when we found them again, the wife had gone out of town to visit her parents. She's been gone for 2 weeks now. When we talked to the husband, who is a member of the church, he said that she had called him recently. She asked if we were still visiting him. He said that we were, and she said that the sister missionaries in that distant city were also visiting her in the home of her parents, who are not members.  My companion and I almost started singing Hallelujah in the street because were so excited. They said that when she gets back, they want to go to church together. God truly does know how to do His own work. We arrived at a crucial time in their lives, and when she went away for a few weeks, God went looking for her, and sent the sister missionaries so that she would keep progressing. There was never any communication between us and the sister missionaries. They just showed up out of nowhere. 

There are always tough things that happen in our lives and God lets our faith be tried, but if we remember our faith and the things we've experienced, and we keep moving forward, God is always there with His tender mercies to remind us that we were right to trust in our faith, and He will strengthen us.

Brother Quezada shared a really great parable in a talk this Sunday. He said a man once was late for an appointment in a big city, and was looking for a place to park his car. He prayed to God, pleading him for a parking spot. He said "If you bless me with a parking spot now, I promise I will never again miss going to church on Sunday." The minutes were passing by, when suddenly he noticed that a car was pulling out of a parking spot. As he pulled in to that parking spot, and got out of the car, the man looked up at the sky and said: "Thanks anyway, I already found one."  Sometimes we act like that man, but we should always try to remember and recognize the things that God does for us. 

One night, as we planned for the next day, I felt like we should knock some doors in a certain part of town. But when we got there the next day, my companion and I looked at each other, and we both said, "No, let's go somewhere else, this is lame." So off we went on our bikes.

I saw a man walking down the street. I'm pretty sure he was the only person in the street. As I got closer to him I felt like I should talk to him. I stopped and said something like "Hi, how's it going neighbor?" He said "I'm doing good how are you, Elder?" I told him I was doing well. His next question was a little weird. He said "How old are you?" That's not the normal sequence of questions when we contact people, but I responded anyway. He asked me "Elder, why did you stop to talk to me?" I said, "I don't know, I just felt like I should talk to you." He then said "I know the Holy Ghost told you to talk to me. I served a mission in Colombia when you were just a baby. I've wanted to come back to the church for a long time. I've always seen the missionaries, but I never went out of my way to talk to them."  He recently had found out that his girlfriend was also an inactive return missionary who had also served in Colombia and who also wanted to come back to the church. He said that they'd been talking and had set a goal to be sealed in the temple. He told me he knew that God is looking for him. 

God doesn't forget about us. 

Elder Joseph Garrett

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