Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Why is it that when I get here on Monday I forget everything that happened in the last week? I think on Monday my mind just goes blank....

Oh... we had a nice experience this week. We left our house and we were on our way out of our neighborhood when someone waved to us. I waved back, but we just went on. Then I started feeling guilty for not talking to her, and felt like I should contact her, so I turned around and we went back to her.
She was weeding the garden in front of her house and I offered to help. We went and changed clothes and came back in about five minutes. For about an hour we helped her out. She explained to us that she'd had 3 strokes and several other health problems and that just recently she'd felt good enough to get out and work in her garden. She was very grateful for the help.

She basically said that she felt the Spirit when we were with her... although she described it like good vibes.... good energy. She was so happy, she invited us to eat lunch with her this week and said that normally she didn't speak to the missionaries, but that we could even share a message with her. It turns out she was baptized about ten years ago, although she's been inactive ever since. She also mentioned she'd gone to see President Hinckley in Santiago one time.
We've had several experiences like that this week where we've felt prompted to do something, and we've been able to be instruments in the Lord's hands.

Oh sorry guys, I forgot that last week I didn't know who my companion was yet... haha. Yeah, so on Tuesday we went to the office to pick up our new companions. My new companion is Elder Ortega, from Santa Cruz, Bolivia. He's learning Spanish very fast, thanks to his great teacher.
I'd send you fotos, but the other place where we do internet was full, so we're in a different place and the computers are so lame they don't even recognize my memory card.
Anyway, that's about it.

Chao (de verdad)
Elder Garrett


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