Tuesday, September 24, 2013


This week we ate too much meat... had too many barbecues... I think if I eat more meat I will be sick. Haha. That's what happens the week of September 18 here.... it's like July 4... but they celebrate for three days... this year it was Wednesday, Thursday, Friday... and then obviously there was the weekend. They like to celebrate...

On Wednesday we had a barbecue, and then we went to the ward activity... from 4:00 to 10:00. Before lunch we went to help prepare the food... about 500 shish kabobs.... we weren't planning on helping but we saw that they had so much to do and so little time so we offered our services. they started eating them about 10:00 so they gave us some as we left and then they continued doing karaoke and dancing the cueca until about 1:30 in the morning. It might have been a little more fun in Batuco, where I knew more people, but it was still fun.   

On Thursday we ate the leftovers from Wednesday's barbecue.... like I said, lots of meat. 

It's a little bit hard to teach during fiestas, but we were able to see lots of little miracles. For example, yesterday we found a woman who's mother had recently died in August and who had a lot of questions about life. We taught the plan of salvation and in the end she was a little teary eyed. She said she feels like her whole life has been a long search and that she is trying to find her way back to God. We told her that we have found that way back for ourselves, and she committed to ask God if what we taught was true. She was very impressed that we can do something to help our loved ones who have died so that we can be reunited with them. 

Elder Garrett

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