Monday, August 5, 2013

Where did July go?

It's hard to believe that it's already August. July flew by way too fast. Before we know it, John will be in the MTC. 

One of the greatest things about the mission is that you can make really great friends. The hard part is that at some point there is always change. I'm not sure I'm quite used to that yet. Some changes are harder than others. 

So Elder Flores is already home, already chatting with our investigators and the members on Facebook with his cellphone. My new companion is Elder Riera, from Ecuador. He has 9 months in the mission. 

I've been a little bit sick this week but I think I'm already starting to feel better. It doesn't help that it's very cold right now. I mean, ahorita it's pretty hot, because the sun's out, but in a couple of hours it's going to cool down and by 6:30 when the sun goes down it gets freezing cold. Sometimes I wear thermals, a sweater, and two coats. haha. And I'm sleeping at night with 5 blankets. 

Yesterday, Maxi (15 yrs old) who was baptized two weeks ago, was confirmed a member, shared his testimony, and received the Aaronic Priesthood. In his testimony, he said "I know that the steps that I'm taking are right."

I also shared my testimony yesterday. Sometimes people think that the life of a missionary is easy, or always full of happiness.... Wouldn't it be great if life were like that?  But we wouldn't grow, and we wouldn't have to learn to trust in the Lord. I know that Jesus Christ, our Savior, lives. He suffered for our sins, pains, and afflictions, so He knows how to help and comfort us in hard times, when no one else can. I have felt Him carry me through all of my trials. 

Have a great week!

Elder Garrett

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