Monday, February 24, 2014

Change Day

Today we had changes. I'm going to write fast, because it's three o'clock and I'm STARVING. We went to Santiago, because I've had a change. I'm still in Los Andes, but now I'm with Elder Ortiz, from Mexico City. Elder Ortega was a little sad that he had to leave, but the mission is full of changes.

We had some great experiences this week. We taught Sergio (I think I talked about him before) the Word of Wisdom this week. At first, he said he was going to finish off his coffee and then he'd leave it first. But then yesterday he decided to give me the coffee that he had and he also committed to stop drinking alcohol. We gave him a blessing to help him out. It's incredible to see his faith. I am convinced that without the gospel, he wouldn´t be able to stop drinking.

Anyway, I'll try to write a little more next week. I was given three birthday cakes again this year, so it was a good birthday. 
Until next week,
Elder Garrett

Monday, February 17, 2014

Stake Conference

We had a lot of great experiences this week but I don't have time to write them. I had the privilege of ordaining Lalo an Elder and giving him the Melchizedek Priesthood yesterday.

We had an awesome Stake Conference, the Spirit was so strong. It was awesome because I knew about half the people there, since I've served in almost half of the wards of this stake. 

The Stake President gave a really powerful talk. Among other things, he gave us an analogy. We shouldn't just put our feet in the swimming pool, we should jump in and enjoy it. An investigator I was teaching a long time ago was present and felt the Spirit during the talk, and announced just after the meeting that he wants to get baptized with his family. 

I also loved something else he said. He said "If I was baptized, it was forever. If I received the priesthood, it was forever. If I went to the temple and made covenants, it was forever. If I was sealed in the temple, it was forever. If I served a mission and taught the gospel and baptized people, it was forever. We can't go back. Those things were meant to have changed us forever. We can't go back to who we were before."

I know that this church is led by Jesus Christ. We live in dangerous times, but we should have hope for a bright future. 

Elder Garrett

Monday, February 10, 2014

My turn to have a bike accident

This week it was my turn to have a bike accident. I kind of accidentally used the front brakes (just remember that in 13 months of riding a bike in my mission, I've never had an accident) and I flew over the handlebars. It was right in front of the church that I fell, in front of all the young men, who were going to play soccer. So they all laughed at me. The funny part was that the bike landed and stayed standing up, as if we were going to change a flat tire or somehting. Anyway I had a couple bruises and scratches and my shoulder hurt so I've been wearing a sling whenever I feel like it.

This week me and my companion got hit by a bug and we were stuck inside all day on Thursday. We tried to get out and work but we always had to go running back. But now everything's under control. Don't worry. 

We have seen lots of little miracles and we are having good success. Yesterday, Lalo had his first baptism. He baptized his niece, Daniela. I think he was a little nervous but he did a great job and was very happy. I was asked to sing again, and ended up singing the same song as last week. I sent you the picture.

On Saturday, we ran into Sergio, an older man. He called out to us "Hey, why don't you say a prayer for me?" We stopped and started talking to him, he invited us to his house, and we started talking. He said that four years ago he'd read the Bible of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price. He said that one time an Elder gave him a blessing and healed his arm. He said he wants to get baptized for the remission of sins, the way Christ was baptized. We extended a baptismal date and explained that we're going to be teaching him some things to help him prepare.  He came to church, met the bishop, made some friends, and then came to Daniela's baptism. It was a miracle for us. And we are super excited to work with him. 

Anyway. Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'll send you fotos next week if I can. 21................ woah.

Elder Garrett

Monday, February 3, 2014

I don't have a lot of time. We climbed a hill on our bikes and took pictures, and now we're going to go eat with all of the elders in the ward.

Yesterday was Paty's baptism. It was very awesome. She had asked me to sing for her, so I sang "Cuando Me Bautice" in the baptismal service.... I can't remember the name of the song in English.... it's from the Primary... and they sang it in my baptism, I remember. 
Paty's baptism!!!! her son Diego baptized her! (He's wearing on of the
other elders' name tags).  Elder Ortega's first baptism... and his eyes
are closed in all of the pictures..... 
We're having lots of experiences that are building our faith.... haha.  When I get home in a couple of months, I'll share some more details from all the things we've gone through. 

Anyway that's about it. I'll try to write more next week...

Elder Garrett