Monday, October 29, 2012

We saw several miracles this week.  

We have an investigator named Raquel, who is probably in her 60s. She has therapy every day for her knee, so we haven't been able to visit her much. We've visited 3 times but never been able to actually sit down and have a lesson with her. The first time, we talked with her through the window and left The Restoration pamphlet. She had many questions about all sorts of things and was very interested. The next time, she told us she read the pamphlet and believed Joseph Smith was a prophet, and wanted to know how much a Book of Mormon cost. We laughed a little bit and told her we couldn't sell her one, and she was a little disappointed. We gave her the book for free, of course. We were thrilled! After about a week, we stopped by yesterday to see how she was doing with the therapy and such. She had already read through First and Second Nephi! I can't even think of a word to describe our excitement. This sweet little lady is going to have the Book of Mormon read completely before we can even teach the first lesson. 

We have another investigator named Gerardo who's been hard to visit, as he drives a taxi during much of the proselyting hours. He has been very faithful about attending church every week for over a year, and many members think that he already is a member. Around 4:00 we were walking to an appointment far away from his house, but we ran into him, and he said he had the day off, so we could come visit. Our other lesson fell through, so we were able to go to his house very soon after. We had a great lesson with him about keeping the commandments and following Christ, and he accepted the extended baptismal date. At the end he prayed, and in the prayer he recognized that there had been a miracle, that God really must want him to continue in this path. He had had the decision of two roads in which he could take, and he had felt like he should take the one he doesn't usually take, and there we were! We are working with him to get him off of the 60 cigarettes he smokes every day, I will let you know how that goes.  

There's never quite enough time.

Elder Garrett

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