Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One of the biggest things I've learned this week at the MTC is that we're not teaching lessons, we're teaching people. And we're helping people. Not only do we ask them to repent, we actually need to help them change their lives. You have to make sure they know you want to love, not lecture, that you want to help, not interview. Otherwise, it will be hard for them to give up everything they know and change their lives completely.

This does not only apply to investigators.

There are many approaches to inviting people to come unto Christ. The most effective way is to help and love them.

Pray for opportunities to help other people, and they will come. Put your fears aside and do not be afraid to open your mouth. You don't always have to say something profound. Recall that Alma the younger found one of the greatest missionary companions of all time simply by asking him for a bite to eat. It doesn't matter what you say to people as long as you say it.

I've had a lot of experiences this week with prayer. Every time I pray, I get an answer. Sometimes not in ways you would expect.

There was something I never understood about the church. I pondered and prayed about it, and during gym, I saw that a talk by Elder Christofferson was on one of the TVs. I felt strongly that I should go watch it. So I went to the bike right in front of that particular TV and plugged in my headphones. To my surprise, the question I had was eloquently answered. He talked about when Peter was given revelation that the gospel should then be preached to the gentiles. I felt that Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost truly guide this church and instruct the Prophets and Apostles what we need and when we need it, even when a change in church practice is therefore needed to accomodate revelation.

I testify that the heavens are open in our days. The Apostles and Prophets receive revelation for the whole church and the whole world. And if we pray, we can receive personal revelation for ourselves. I know that He answers prayers, because He answers mine every day. He will answer if you ask sincerely, and if you intend to act on the response.

I know that Jesus Christ suffered for us so we wouldn't have to. He died, and was resurrected. He lives, and will come again.

Elder Joseph Garrett

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